Heavenly Light Descended – free download

A Christmas carol for SATB chorus and flute (or alto recorder)

I wrote this Christmas carol in 2004. It’s been sung a couple of times but I haven’t ever done anything to promote it. So, rather than have it sit in the drawer, I thought I ought to make it available. Here are the score and parts, available for free download. While you can print it back to back on 8.5 x 11, it will look a bit odd because it’s formatted to be printed like traditional choral music. To get the intended result, print it booklet style on 11×17 sheets with saddle stitch staples (optional), then cut to size: 6.75 in. wide by 10.5 in. high.

If you perform the piece, please let me know. Merry Christmas!

Heavenly Light Descended

Heavenly Light Descended Flute

Heavenly Light Descended - screen shot

At the Center of Clarity

Earlier this year I had a great experience writing a short new piece for a concert celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Beijing Dance Academy. Choreographed by Ihsan Rustem, it was danced by Logan McGill and Savannah Thompson, two BYU undergraduates. The piece is for flute, cello and piano.